Parking Lot Closures at Orange Line Metro Stations

Parking impacts begin March 15 at East Falls Church, West Falls Church and Vienna Metro Stations

There will be no parking available at East Falls Church, severely limited parking at West Falls Church, and reduced parking at Vienna Station. If you are impacted join Metro’s 2020 summer shutdown on the Orange Line is still more than three months away, but “pre-construction” activity to support the massive platform-rebuilding project will begin in a matter of weeks, including major parking changes. Metro is urging customers who park at these stations to start planning now. This summer’s project…

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Catalytic Converters Stolen at Horner Road Commuter Lot

Catalytic Converter Stolen at the Horner Road Commuter Lot

Last month, one of our rider parked her car at the Horner Road Commuter Lot 3 at about 7:30 AM and slugged to work She returned back to the lot at about 6:30 PM to her car that stalled on her. She said “I had no idea what had happened to the car, just thought my car was dying on me I was able to drive it to my mechanic who is not far from the lot and this morning…

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Slug Pickup Locations

Requesting Virginia and District officials to support slugging

“Requesting officials to support slugging by designating curb spaces in DC and Arlington with slug pickup signs. Provide additional parking spaces, secure parking lots and update all parking lots with slug pickup signs and shelter along I-66 and I-95 corridor. Add slugging to policy, strategic plans and Transportation Demand Management (TDM ) programs” For the past four decades, Sluglines have helped fill up empty seats along I-95 corridor. Today about 10,000 commuters slug along I-95 corridor from Fairfax, Prince William…

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Disclaimer: Slugging is self-governed by its participants and no money is exchanged. Drivers and riders volunteer to participate in slugging and should be aware of the potential risks associated with slugging. or its associates are not responsible for any damage caused directly or indirectly by the information provided by Sluglines or associated social media networks. and its associates does not guarantee a ride or compensate for any loss caused.