if you have not read it, there will be apublic hearing to make parking along Hooes road resident permit only from 7 AM to Noon. The hearing happens to take place on a Tuesday (September 25th, 2018) at 4 PM (when most commuters are at work and unavailable to participate!)
On an average Ssunday, there were 7 cars along one part of the road. On an average Thursday afternoon, that number rose to over 35.
The only reason I can guess is the residents do not want commuters parking along a city street! the sydenstryker lot is already filled to capacity before 7 AM, and there is no other parking area available within a quarter mile!
We must do something to make sure the county government hears our dislike of this plan, and how it will affect over 100 daily commuters, only to placify 27 residents.
Basically, this is a NIMBY for the residents, with no offered alternative for the rest of us.