“Buses Only” sign changed to allow all vehicles at the old Hechingers commuter lot
Early March 2019, we received information that the Prince William County Police officers were ticketing drivers who entered the Old Hechingers lot through the back entrance on Devils Reach Road next to the Exxon Gas Station. We worked with the Occoquan Supervisor to resolve the issue. Frank Bruno, one of the slugs created a service ticket with VDoT https://my.vdot.virginia.gov/ServiceRequest/Get/1064448 and emailed others to find the solution.
On April 24th, 2019 Supervisor Ruth Anderson visited the lot with Perrin Palistrant Omniride Operations Director, VDoT staff and Prince William County Police Officers to study the situation. Frank Bruno and few other slugs approached the Supervisor and others to explain the situation. VDoT did a quick study and decided to change the sign to allow all vehicles. On June 17th, 2019 Frank Bruno posted on Facebook, “Old Hechingers lot signs have been changed! Success!”