Prince William County Gets More Slug Friendly
Thanks to Virginia Department of Transportation (VDoT), Prince William County and Omniride officials for the new Neabsco / Potamac Commuter Parking Garage on 2501, Opitz Boulevard, in Prince William County, Virginia. Site is directly opposite to Sentara Hospital, just off I-95 and right in front of Stonebridge at Potomac Town Center. The garage is planned to house 1400 spaces and slug pickup lanes and Omniride bus services. The slug pickup lane will allow riders to line up in the garage at close proximity to the Omniride bus stop. This will allow riders to switch between slug lines and bus stop.
This will be the second parking lot in Prince William County that comes with slug pickup stations with cover. The first one was opened last month along I-66 corridor on University Blvd. in Gainesville, Virginia. This garage is expected to reduce congestion at Route 234 lot, and get back Potomac Mills commuters to slug or take bus from this garage. It is unlikely to get the Horner Road Commuters until we establish a return line from DC and Arlington.
On December 14th, 2019 VDoT and Prince William county Department of Transportation had a public information meeting. About 25 residents participated Below are some suggestions / comments discussed at the meeting.
- Traffic lights: The garage comes with three entry / exit point for about 1400 vehicles, one on the ground level and two on the third level where the bus and slug pickup stations are planned. There are no traffic lights planned from the garage to Potomac Center Boulevard on the east or the River Rock Way on the west. We have had similar issues with the Rt. 234 lot and at the Horner Road Parking Lot that causes backup during PM peak hours.
- Traffic pattern: Garage has three entrance / exits two at the third level and one at the first level, it may be worth analyzing if slug pickup drivers from Opitz Boulevard, enter through the Potomac Center Boulevard and exit though River Rock Way to reduce the number of left turns to reduce backups. Commuters from Dale Boulevard may use the entrance to the first level.
- Garage utilization: The parking entrances are on secondary roads and does not have an entrance from Opitz Boulevard. Route 123 Parking Lot is less than 50% occupied, while Horner Road and the overflow Telegraph Road Parking Lot with access to Express lanes has 110% occupancy.
- Overnight parking: Communities nearby along Potomac Center Boulevard has parking limitations. Residents using the parking garage for overnight parking may impact spaces for commuter parking.
- Security: There is no surveillance camera planned at this time. There may be a possibility to add surveillance camera to the existing infrastructure at Horner Road and Telegraph Road.
- Utilities: It may be a good to add solar panels and electric charging stations.
Please post your comments below in the comments section or you can email your comments to the project manager Dagmawie Shikurye at The public comment period will close on Monday, January 14. Prince William County staff will review and evaluate comments received as a result of the public comment process. Once public input has been reviewed, Prince William County will consider approval of the project’s major design features. Construction is expected to start in spring of 2020 and completion by spring of 2023. Public Information Meeting materials will be posted on the Prince William County website