May 21, 2019, Officials from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Department of Defense’s Washington Headquarters Services and Transurban, gathered today to open the newly reconfigured and improved Pentagon South Parking Lot. Currently, more than 1,800 buses and about 3,400 “sluggers” (2010 Survery) on average pass through the South Parking Lot each day. The Pentagon South Parking Lot improvements cost approximately $10 million, and are funded by a federal “Fast Lane” grant, as well as a combination of VDOT and federal funds.

The Pentagon is the heart of slugging, it is said that the uniformed officers started slugging in the mid seventies when I-395 bus only Shirley Highway was changed to reversible bus and HOV lanes. Since then the Pentagon leadership have been a big supporter of sluggers. The Pentagon, leadership continues to support the slugging community knowing that less than 50% of sluggers work at the Pentagon. Slugging also helps the Pentagon lead the region in reducing single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips with just 34% of the population commuting via SOV compared to 54% for federal and 73% for the region.

The Pentagon has 8 slug pickup stations all going to destinations along I-95 corridor. Four of the slug pickup stations to Staffford are located at the intersection of North Rotary Rd. and Fern St. that serves Route 17 Stafford, Route 3 Gordan Road, Route 610 Mine Road, and Route 610 Stafford. The other four are located along the north end of the southeast parking lot also known as pork chop that serves Burke/Springfield, Tackett’s Mill/Lorton/VRE, Montclair/Route 234, and Horner Road/Potomac Mills. Based on the 2010 Survey, the following is the break down of the number of vehicles and riders who slugged from the Pentagon.
