Relocation plan for Springfield-Bobs sluglines parking lot
Bob’s Sluglines Parking Lot tentatively to be closed in November 2019 for garage construction. slugs will lose about 278 spaces and slug pickup stations during construction for about 2 years. Fairfax County is working with the commuters to find alternative space for parking and pickup locations.
Below is the update from Caijun L, Senior Transportation Planner, Fairfax County.
Thanks for your patience while Fairfax County Department of Transportation develops the commuter parking relocation plan. The county is still in negotiations with property owners and nothing is final until the leases are signed, but we are confident the agreements will be completed soon.
Here is the relocation plan:
1) Relocate one slug line to the Springfield United Methodist Church parking lot ( The church currently provides 54 commuter parking spaces within their lot. In addition to those spaces, the church slug line would also serve the commuter parking located across the street at Springfield Plaza as well as the commuter parking at the American Legion.
2) Relocate one slug line and provide an additional 300 commuter parking spaces at the Springfield Town Center Frontier Garage ( ). In total, 800 commuter parking spaces would be located at the Frontier Garage on levels 2, 4, and 6.
The VDOT Saratoga Park-and-Ride Lot will serve as a back-up option in case something falls through with the church or town center.
Option 1- the church location would be best:
The most important aspect of slugging is to keep the travel path for the drivers convenient since the system still break down if they have to navigate their route from their regular morning chores of kid drops to care places etc.
Planning to slug from Springfield Town Center please join
I drive to L’Enfant and drop off at Bob’s. Keeping the lot close to the current location is best, so I suggest the United Methodist Church option. I have a child to drop off and pick up daily and adding more time to the commute would be tough for me. So far, picking up slug riders is the only option that has worked with my schedule.
One additional complication is that most of the time my husband commutes to 14th street in the morning. If the lines are split then we will end up adding time to our morning commute to accommodate both of us.